Are You A Physical Therapist?

Are You Trying To Grow Your Cash Practice?

Learn How To Scale Your Business and Make More Money Through Workshops & Community Events Without Facebook Ads, Costly Marketing or Taking Insurance...

  • Are you struggling to find new patients?

  • Is it a challenge getting patients who are willing to pay cash?

  • Are you fearful of speaking in public and/or teaching workshops?

  • Don't know where to start when it comes to booking workshops and community events?

  • Hate feeling salesy when pitching your services?

In this comprehensive 5 week challenge led by Dr. Owen Johnston and his wife Dr. Jennifer Johnston teaching the same techniques used by them to fill multiple practitioners schedules without paid marketing and scale their business to multiple six figures.

  • Ready for the secrets to booking incredible workshops and community events?

  • Would you like to know how to run workshops and leave with paying clients instead of a list of contacts?

  • Want to know how to fill your email list with leads and follow up with them with ease?

  • Would you like to create raving fans that consistently send referrals your way?

  • Are you ready for a full schedule and waitlist of patients waiting to see you?

  • Do you want to feel confident when talking about your services?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then this challenge is the perfect next step for you! You will walk away from the 5-week challenge feeling confident in booking workshops and community events, booking paying clients right at the events and have systems in place to follow up with everyone you meet all without having to fork out a ton of money on marketing.

Cash Based PT's Helping Cash Based PT's

What Is Included In The 5 Week Live Training!

You will be meeting weekly on zoom to dive deep into each weeks topic. You will walk away from the call with action items that will help you get out there and start booking events and making money quickly! Check out the topics being covering below!

How To Book Events: $997 Value

Learn how to book both community events and workshops where you will find your ideal clients who are ready and eager to book with you!

Never Miss Out On A Lead: $997 Value

Building your email list is essential in business, not only will you get our exact system for doing this, you will also be given our email sequences for follow up and nurturing those leads. This done for you copy will save you hours so you can help more people.

Learn To Sell Right At Your Events: $997 Value

Have you ever collected leads at an event only to never convert them to patients? Learn how you can get them to pay you and book their first appointment right on the spot.

Get Your Questions Answered: $497 Value

This challenge is interactive and requires you to get out there and get to work. You will have a chance to ask questions throughout the challenge, however week 4 is meant to be a deep dive into any questions or road bumps you are running into.

Creating Raving Fans: Priceless

Scheduling patients right on the spot at events is amazing....but do you know what is even better? Creating raving fans from those events that continually send you patients. You will learn how to do this over and over again!

Bonus Week, How To Sell Packages: $497 Value

When you purchase during the early bird pricing you will get exclusive access to the bonus week training: How To Sell Packages!

This one skill can help you 10x your business without even raising your rates.

$6,000+ Value

Check Out These Bonuses!

Private Facebook Group: $497 Value

A community for you to reach out to both during and after the challenge for support, guidance as well as to share your wins and lessons!

PT Email Engine Automations: $497 Value

You will receive done for you email automations including a Liability Waiver, E-book opt in and nurture sequence. Getting this done for you copy will save you hours of time and make following up easy and automatic.

Canva E-book Templates: $297 Value

Editable e-book templates for the top 3 workshops. These plug and play templates will make getting started with your own workshops simple and easy!

Workshop Checklist: $97 Value

What do you need to bring to your workshops? No need to worry, you will get access to a customizable workshop checklist that had been built over the last two years so you don't have to forget things and make the same mistakes we did in the beginning.

Injury Screening Checklist: $97 Value

What do you need to bring to your injury screenings? Get access to a customizable injury screening checklist built over the last two years so you don't forget things and make the same mistakes we did in the beginning.

Lifetime Access To The Recordings: $1997 Value

Do you like to go back and review things? Feel like you need to hear something more then once to really get the full value? You will get lifetime access to the weekly training calls from this 5 week challenge!

Bonus Training: Value $497

Aaron LeBauer the founder of the CashPT Platinum Mastermind training on overcoming objections. Objections are a part of sales we cannot avoid so it is best to get skilled at how to respond and overcome them!

Bonus Training: Value $497

When you purchase during the early bird pricing you will get exclusive access to the bonus week training: How To Sell Packages!

This one skill will triple your business!

$10,000+ In Value

The Cash PT Workshop Accelerator is open for enrollment today!!!

Typically it is just $1997, however, if you act today you will get $1000 off!

Early Bird Pricing is Just $997

and includes access to the Bonus Week Training: Selling Packages to 10x your business.

Early Bird Pricing is available till the end of the day on April 30th.

Get everything for just $997 when you purchase today!

Sales Are Closed! Join The Waitlist For Our Next Launch Below!

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Who are Dr. Owen & Dr. Jennifer Johnston?

Dr. Owen Johnston is the owner of Advanced Physical Therapy & Wellness with his Wife Dr. Jennifer Johnston is San Diego CA. He recently won Entrepreneur of the Year at PT Biz Con.

Prior to owning his own business he was burned out in outpatient orthopedics and spent a couple years working in Home Health Physical Therapy.

He opened doors to his business in October 2021 and thanks to his personal conviction and work as well as Aaron LeBauer's mastermind, he earned over 200K his first year in business and is on par to bring in over 500K in his second year.

Dr. Owen has created the outpatient PT career he envisioned in PT school. After hiring his first two PT's this last year, he has a new vision: to be able to share this dream with every Out Patient Physical Therapists nationwide, giving them the opportunity to earn over 6 figures while only treating one patient an hour.

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